Thursday, May 31, 2007

Holland Part 3: Rotterdam

Back to the big city life. We didn't realize, but it turns out that Rotterdam is the 2nd largest city in Holland. After a thiry minute hike with our packs, we arrived at our hostel which is more like a hotel, a little on the boring side. We embarked on our tour of the city, and apparently took a turn into the ghetto. Being late at night, we quickly ducked into a place to get some food, and then retraced our steps and decided to explore the city in daylight.

And so the chaos begins... We throw our backpacks on, and embark on our hike to our next hostel that had been pre-booked a week prior. After a 40 minute walk through the streets of Rotterdam with 50 pounds on our back, we finally see it... The Clipper. A little dinky boat that was supposed to be our hostel. Once getting past their dog, we go inside to meet a sketchy Dutch couple... think South Shwa. He looked suprised when the 3 of us walked in, put his paper work down in front of us, and then proceeded to explain that he read our reservations wrong. Instead of booking 3 of us in for one night, he had booked ONE of us in for three nights! Without telling us what was going on, he was one the phone, speaking Dutch, to who knows where, apparently trying to find us accomodations. Being Saturday night, during a festival, of course everywhere was booked (why we had booked a week ahead). He gave us back our deposit, well some of it, and then said we could go to a campsite somewhere in the middle of nowhere. We said we were unsure of this place, and asked for more information on the location and safety and that is when he flipped his lid! All of a sudden, this man who had just put US onto the streets, was pissed at us, yelling at us, saying how his country was safe, no crime or gangs had even been "invented" yet, and then he stormed off saying he won't help us anymore!!

So off we go again, packs on our backs, and not a clue as to where we are heading... we found an info center, which proved very helpful. After many phone calls, we found a room in a hotel. So needless to say, our first impression of Rotterdam was not so good...

Once we had a chance to explore the city, it turned out it was beautiful. The city was wiped out during World War II so all building were modern architecture. We made our way to our dinner reservations at a restaurant called Look, where in Dutch it means Garlic. As soon as you walk through the door, you realize you won't be having much conversation after a visit to this delicacy. Every item on their menu, including the dessert, was made from garlic. mmm mm good! Definitely worth the splurge.

On our last day in Rotterdam, we had a chance to visit their world music festival. It was held in their sea side park. We spent a beautiful afternoon wondering through the stalls, garden pathways, and stopped at each of their 5 stages, to listen to their multicultural music.

Turns out Rotterdam's not so bad after all...

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